Has great potential.
Let start off from when I was at the main menu.As soon as I heard the MP2:Echoes menu theme,I knew this would be something that I'd really love.I'm a big Metroid and Yoshi fan,and I've always wanted to know what it would be like to combine these two forces.Not many people give Yoshi the protagonist role,(something I'd like to see more often)but most of the time they can't do it right.You,on the other hand,have succeeded where they failed.Now on with the review!
Story:Mostly original to my point of view,the hero loses powerful artifacts that scatter across the galaxy,and he must race against time and his foes to collect them again before mayhem unfolds.Although,I think you should have just used the Chaos Emeralds instead,seeing as how the cores are just some warped version of them.(seven of them,all different colors,grants divine power to the wielder of all seven)So the story get an 8/10.
Audio:Pretty much just ear candy to me.They all flowed in a perfect crisp,clear harmony.Not much more to say,except 10/10.
Animation:People think that just because the artist uses sprites,that it becomes really easy to animate it.But I've seen some terrible sprite flash before,so I know it doesn't make a difference.The movement seemed smoothly glide throughout the flash,even during the interactive scenes.But the Sonic/Koopa fight seemed a bit rushed,and(dare I say it)sloppy.Maybe improve on the fight scenes a bit?I know you can do better.Overall, an 8/10
Art:Eeeehhh,the flashback scene where they were exploring Phazze looked out of place to me.Besides the characters,the entire background looked like itwas in Paint in 10 minutes.Also,Metroid Prime's core didn't look to magnificent either.I'm no artist either,but I have to give a fair review to what I think looks artistic and what needs improvement.Don't get discouraged though,everyone starts out rough.Even some of NewGround's best artists.So,I give this a 4/10.
Summary:Overall,I love this idea,(if you hadn't noticed)and I would love to see this series come to fruition.When I first saw Sonic though,I got a bit nervous.It made me worry this was going to be another SMBZ mini-rip-off.I think maybe the next episode should be a short RPG game instead.Then episode 4 can be another interactive moive,then ep.5 be another game...you see what I'm saying?Though your english needs slight modifications.For example,at the end,you put "don't mess the next episode"!It should have been miss.But good luck with this series' future!I think by the next ep. you just might be one of my most favorite artists on this site.