Yo I'm looking for a partner to help me make animations with paint.net are you interested?
Poor animation done in about 10 or so minutes. Programmes used:
Paint.net (Great free alternative to photoshop)
Sony Vegas Pro 9 (Piecing it together. May or may not have been also free)
Oxelon Media converter (converting the flv file to swf)
As I've said twice now (well here) it's extremely poor, but relatively fun. Enjoy, and there may be more on the way.
Yours Faithfully,
aka CircleGuy
http://twigsinwigs.blogsp ot.com
Yo I'm looking for a partner to help me make animations with paint.net are you interested?
kinda funny
you are right this does look like it has been made in 10 minutes, i don't know what the deal is but i think you need to work harder and longer next time and create a "play" and "replay" button so it doesn't just repeat over and over, also if you make a flash like this at least make the words go by slower and make it more readable.