The first time I played, I thought the last word was "FIENDISH!" This was an okay game.
This game was made quickly to practice a further game for the Ipod/Iphone Im in the process of making. It was simply for me to get feed back on the style, what to change, and what to work on. So leave your comments about what I can do to better and improve the game. Thanks!
The first time I played, I thought the last word was "FIENDISH!" This was an okay game.
Well things are not always what they seem... Maybe you'll like the final version of the game!
very good
good game but uber hard!
Really... Uber hard? lol didnt think it was that hard... but glad I challenged you lol... In the future game coming soon there will stages of difficulty as you progress in the game. So stay tuned! Thanks for your review!
I see what you are trying to do here, but it's a bit simple graphic wise and it lags quite a bit, and I have a pretty fast pc. You might want to have savepoints, I stopped at the bear/picnick stage because I was annoyed about the fact that i remembered all I thought I needed to know, the apples surprised me, I didnt know that, couldn't reload and that annoyed me. I love the music though, nice and relaxing, would be better if it looped and not just replay. Fix the lagging, pimp the graphics, create a few checkpoints and you have yourself a fine game
Thanks for your review! As for the lagging I didn't experience any when I tested it out... I'm using my Macbook Pro which i made it on, and don't experience any lag. So I'm not quite sure what that issue is all about... And what did you mean by reload? anyways thanks for your review and input. Keep posted on a future full length game!
Lol amazing!
I would love to see this as a app it makes you pay attention and you have to restart like the apple one I was not even paying attention to the apples. :D
Thanks a lot! Glad you liked the general idea of it. I wanted to make something that makes the viewer/player use their minds in different ways. Keep an eye out for the full length final copy of the game soon! :)