That's it?
17 levels? That was WAY too easy. I didn't have any glitching problems other than the tool bar popping up when you go to shoot something near the bottom. But this was WAY too easy to beat. All you have to do was just buy a bunch of black holes and max out your health as much as you could and you win. Nothing else is required. Good fixes would be to remove the black holes or limit them to two or three max on the map. Also lower the cost of mines 20M is too much for a one hit killer. Specially if you want o use them. Also I don't think your power up purchase works at all. I pretty much bought it up to a high level and still took two hits to kill the blue ones. Also if you insist on keeping the black holes make it to where the mother ships(biggest ones) aren't able to be sucked into them under some pretense that their engines are too powerful or something. Good concept just needs a lot of work to become something fun to play with re-play value. As of right now though I won't be playing this again, not even fun as a time waster, sorry, but it's the truth.