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Take over the enemy colonies to battle your way through 13 challenging levels that call for your skill and wit.

CLICK and HOLD mouse button over your buildings to select it. while still HOLDING, MOVE MOUSE to building you'd like to capture and RELEASE for send 50% warriors. RELEASE + CTRL (SPACE) for send all warriors.

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great game, great visuals, outstanding tactical thought, i only have 1 thing to complain about, the fact that you can't zoom out (inability to view entire field).... very annoying

also a multiplayer feature added to this game would be the cherry on top of the cake, the only thing it is missing :)

The visuals, level design and sounds in this game are very impressive. I discovered it by accident and I've got to say, it's pretty good. The gameplay didn't make a lot of sense to me, it seemed quite unresponsive and weird, but I think it's just me.
Also, for the ones who complain about the ads, just install the god damn add blocker, gets rid of all the problems and you will even forget what an actual ad on the internet looks like.

Things aren't what they seem....

You have two games on this site... both are the same style of game play but come from different sites..... both have the same stupid thing in them being that adds pop up during "loading" screens... nothing is loading. ....


A great fun game, but please don't be condescending to us. You put those "loading" screens in as an excuse to place an ad. I know for a fact that you were loading nothing. Not from offsite, not from ingame, nothing. Clean up the ads, one ad is quite enough. No one will click on the ads if they feel pressures into it, and having a bajillion ads doesn't get you more revenue. I would have given this a 10/10, but because you have the gall to put in a fake loading screen just so you can include more ads loses you 3 stars.

Good Game, Fucking Ads

This is a good game, but the ads made me close the window on the second battle. I mean, 2 ads for loading and 2 for starting a level?

Credits & Info

4.12 / 5.00

Dec 28, 2010
12:25 AM EST