!_!_!_Another series is canceled because of personal problems, so I do Part09 and it will be final_!_!_!
**-*Merry Christmas Newgrounds*-**
Animation is a long one, but action is already much better than in previous episodes, I wish fun for all who love this series.
In animation, there may be some bugs that are beyond repair unless I got all the animated scene again.
Sorry for the short end, not prosecuted, I what I originally wanted to do, but never mind.
If you did not understand the end let me know and I will explain it.
It then continues to the third series, but the history of this event before the Ryder went in for the part01 data from the first computer, it will know in the second series.
nebyla ta věc na začátku trochu přerostlá???
wyh are ryders father so fast down :( he was a robot!?!? and blod on him lol
Good movie but animation a bit underdeveloped.
you did very awesome i loved it
if i was on the evil side ide stop those heros