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Urban ninja 2 : Revenge

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My second vid. :)
i took some advice i got from its prequel like sound and ect. :)
Hope this one better here you go
(still getting used to flash)

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its okay...

This could use a little work, like more movement. The story to this is alright to, but instead of having words you should have voice actors and all of that good shtuff :3 That is why I am giving you a 6

Improvement, but still a lot to learn

Okay, so you've done a decent job of the drawing and the animation will come together with time and practice, so keep that up. I will offer a few hints and tips:

1) Your logo should be at the start - it's a little long for the episode, so two options present themselves: Put the finished image in, or make the episode longer.

2) Voices could be used really well in this - That would cut out the horrible white screens there and you would be able to make the whole piece flow much better. There are plenty of voice actors here that would help you with this, particularly up-and-coming ones that need the exposure, as much as you need the voices. Getting them together could help both causes.

3) Animation isn't the strong suit of this piece, but that's because you didn't give it a chance to blossom. The spinning shuriken was a nice touch, but I would suggest that you work with a lot more plot for the third part, as you've got so much more to show us, with a little more patience. 1-2 minutes of footage would be a great place to think about cutting, but this is less than 30 seconds, so I think a few viewers will feel a little deprived by watching this.

Don't despair, you can get there - the answers are in your hands.

[Review Request Club]

Turtlepoop responds:

much appreciated
i always listen to tips :)

Some tips

1. Shape tweens are never cool. Ever.
2. Try slowing down the speed of the text. This is pretty much what I read: "They thought GARBELKFNEicnges Wrong!"
3. You should also take the above tip and apply it to your animation. When your ninja guy got hit with that stick or whatever it was, it happened so fast I barely knew what was happening.

Turtlepoop responds:

Cheers, bud :) (y)


try to watch it before you upload it, sometimes what you see on editor might not be same on browser. in this case, for example you can't see what was written because it was fast and it was too high on player

Turtlepoop responds:

Thanks, dude :)

Credits & Info

2.73 / 5.00

Dec 14, 2010
2:59 PM EST