I'm not voting zero on this because I'm 'superficial and don't actually look at content." Yes, I will admit that the drawings are probably the worst I've seen in a long time. On top of that, the animation is nothing short of atrocious - it isn't even synced properly. That's not the point though...
Your 'content' is a failed attempt to parody cast away that isn't in any way even remotely funny. Matches? He was stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere...of course he didn't have any matches. You could have said the same thing about a lighter, or a gas stove, it wouldn't matter because he was on an island. He was happy to have made fire from scratch without any of these modern conveniences, and your joke honestly makes no sense at all. There's no clever humor what-so-ever, so I'm not being superficial here, this just honestly sucks and totally deserves to be blammed.