passes time if u got nothing to do except challenge ur brain.. good grapghics and music
This a holiday version of our puzzle game "Firecracker Frenzy". We thought it would be fun to give it a quick theme and set it free :)
passes time if u got nothing to do except challenge ur brain.. good grapghics and music
I <3 Popcap
Well, what a surprise: another rip-off of a Pop-Cap game. This one is a rip-off of Chuzzle, but the only differences in this one and that one is that A) It's Christmas Themed, B)You don't have to make at least 3 in a row, and C) You click on an icon and send your score sky-rocketing. Mediocre, at best. 2.5/5, 5 of 10, just BARELY enough to keep it alive.