the last christmas of 1986 in italy
The Last Christmas is based on a true story, avveuta in Italy in 1986.
the game is still in the works, but I wanted to publish it unfinished business to see if it's worth it to continue, I hope in your good opinion.
sorry English is not correct
the last christmas of 1986 in italy
damn that big booty
niente male, ma è già uscita la versione completa?
I can just say one thing
I want to play this game. I don't know what is going one, but damn... the hole game has this spooky feeling of "You don't know what is going on, and you will die for that"
I want more of a backstory, since this is based on a true story, i want teh full story :)
I like what 'you've written, I'm working every night to get a good result.
very intriguin and good!!....I can't wait for the final version!!!