Really good
Interesting way of portraying the feelings. You did really good! ^^ hope to see more of ya!
Art project for school.. had to be something personal, so I use the ever personal aspect of breakups... yay depressing!
Really good
Interesting way of portraying the feelings. You did really good! ^^ hope to see more of ya!
U have it , so u have my 10. Great work, and try not to be that depresed all the time :)
Good animation, good words, good style. Keep up !
While I can see where you went for me it sort of wasn't exactly the style I imagined. I mean the real life segments seemed to only drag the rather then expand the movie, maybe give more space for the monologue but I'd prefer if the time was used for animation instead.
The animation is where this one shines and that was quite superb. Again perhaps there was a flaw or two in not synchronizing it with the speech. The metaphore of the animation at times came across as confusing and not having much to do with monologue while at other times it worked quite well.
The monologue itself, well for me it came across as overly dramatic. It kept dragging on about what could have been said in fewer sentences and it seemed like it kept insisting on making its point when the result was the opposite. It made it harder for me to sympathize with the person rather than easier.
So overal I think you earned a 6/10 with an almost 7 just out of the reach. Still nicely done :)
First thing is, I felt the animation and live action didn't fit together at all. The animation was good however and the live action of the cars was nice, but to be frank, it was just that - cars. It really had nothing to do with the topic or the animation it sat next to.
The shots of a depressed looking fellow, along with the monotonous put on voice and cliche writing left me feeling like it was an attempt at attempting something. By that I mean, it felt like it was trying far too hard to be this moody, atmospheric piece that it just wasn't.
Not bad not bad at all, your words were deep man and I like your art.