For your first flash not bad! I think it needs a start and finish. Also maybe make it a little longer. I enjoyed the falling! Overall not bad for your first flash... Keep working hard and youll be ontop soon!
Is my first animation, comment and tell me what I can do better :D
For your first flash not bad! I think it needs a start and finish. Also maybe make it a little longer. I enjoyed the falling! Overall not bad for your first flash... Keep working hard and youll be ontop soon!
not too bad, figure it's ur first animation, it's pretty good. Kinda short and boring, but the fall was kinda funny. Improve upon your flash before posting though.
It was OK i gues. But the qualiy was too grainy/low/sratchy and it wasnt that funny. Plus it was stuck on an annoying loop. You should re do this and make the quality better and make it longer and better, then I would have given it a better rating.
the quality is better in youtube, I dont know why the quality of my video in newgrounds was so "grainy/low/sratchy" =/
What you could do better is...
to make the quality of the flash better