>=( i loved it.....=D
Something I animated so I can get better. It wasn't going to be for Thanksgiving, but I happened to finish right before the holiday.
>=( i loved it.....=D
Thx Stavo
Was that...
Supposed to be pubic hair mixed in the food? If so.. LOOOL I also liked how the music just stops on the exact moment
Yeah it's a pube. XD
I loled
Hahaha great flash short. XD It was soooo random and FUNNEH
Thanks ps3gamer250
my psn - demann18
Not Bad
Kinda short but animation was ok
Yeah! I'm not good with long stories.
I like it for the fact that it's so simple. Just eating and enjoying life, then this look of ill-content as he pulls a piece of hair out of his mouth. No way you could see that coming. XD
Thanks for awesome comment! =D