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SKY over my bad drawing

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Author Comments

arrow keys to move
space to fire

this is the first game i have made so i would realy like some helpfull coments i know that my drawings are realy bad but they are just some scrap i threw together i am mainlt focusing on learning the code for adobe at the moment

jesus that reminds me if anyone knows some software like adobe but not £600! plz can you msg me
anyway have fun for 1 min i supose thats how long it cept me entertaind

Also there is somthing writen on the final boss someon guess what it stands for
god i just played it and it is realy hard i gor raped! maby its just im crap (loud sobing)

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I found that if you were above an enemy missile on the screen , it still hit you even if it goes past, other than that, good game, although I think I beet the boss at the end but it just said game over anyway.

Not bad!

I like this game. Simple, arcadey, and old-school feeling. The controls feel kind of off though, and there was definite input lag from when I pressed a button and when the ship moved. Also, are all the enemies exactly the same ships? Or do they differ later on? I would like to see a wider variety of enemy ships, but overall a good game! It deserves a higher score than it currently has.

Better than appears

Yay for non- crappy simplicity!

But the controls lag. I press the up key and I'm there liek 3 secs l8r.
Better effects than i thought would be in a gaem liek dis.

9 4 u.

~Brt Mth


there is something wrong with your collisions. I kept getting hit by bullets that wouldn't even come close

jakson1234 responds:

yes i found that anoying also i will look back its gota be somthing to do with the movie clip beeing streched or somthing ty for helping me find that out


Not very detailed, a bit simple - but I definitely loved the mouth-made sound effects. A very nice touch.

Credits & Info

3.89 / 5.00

Nov 21, 2010
3:28 PM EST