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Planet champion

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Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=kDFjFkvAlr8
Use mouse to set ships direction and thrust. The planet gravity attracts the ship so controlling it can be challenging. Click left buton to shot.
I hope you like it, no sponsor did :( donations at http://ociososgames.blogs pot.com/

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Good idea!

I understand your idea that gravity controls your ship, and it adds a pretty nice challenge to the game, but there's not enough depth to the game to make it work. I think that if you're supposed to release the mouse to shoot a beam, it should at least charge your shot to make it more powerful ;) You should add upgrades and then maybe the whole "gravity" concept would be a lot more substantial rather than being a nuisance. I hope to see this improved in the future! Nice start, though!


It's okay... It's a cool concept but the game is way too hard to control so i lost interest really quickly. It has potential to be addicting tho. make the ship easier to control.

It's ok.

The controls were annoying, the mouse isn't the right choice for movement of the ship since it functions for aiming as well, and the ship firing should have probably been on mouse down instead of click, it makes it seem delayed (even though thats probably what you wanted, from a player perspective its somewhat annoying).

Other than that, it was a decent game, but nothing special. Keep practicing and improving!

It's ok...

You have a unique and potentially fun idea, but you don't have much control over the ship which was annoying, and the main problem is you should make it so that the laser fires when you click the mouse, NOT when you release it.

It's ok

Personally this game was hard. I'm sure it would be a lot easier if I wasn't using a Mac. So seeing how the idea was good, I'm going to give a good rating.

Credits & Info

2.49 / 5.00

Oct 23, 2010
1:13 PM EDT