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The Way of the Warrior

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Hi everyone!

Lesson learnt : Do not attempt to make a game in 3 weeks. While being programmer AND designer at the same time.

So in the last 3 weeks. While stressing me head out and battling with Flash CS4. I've finally completed the 'prototype'. Many times I wanted to kill the person that designed Flash :pP.s I am new to Flash and had heaps of trouble using it. Therefore I decided not to include music in between the game, as it ruins my frame and navigation problems.

I'm almost there... To help me complete my thesis!(My last chapter). I need some feedback. I would like you all to play the "prototype" and complete the survey. Warning: Don't be expecting a typical 'game'. No high end graphics, gameplay, music etc. Due to time constraint and limited resources, therefore this is a very low-key prototype. It is a simple prototype that explores the elements that can make a game more movie-like.
More about the design process can be found in the prototype. Under About and Design headings on the main page. (double click text in the scroll .Then use down arrow, to scroll or the wheel on your mouse). To navigate to the next screen, keep moving right. There's only one direction.

Or if you would like a copy of the explanatory statement for the survey. leave me an email so that i can send it to you.

Comments/suggestions are welcome too :) give me a zero for all i care :p But most importantly please do the surveys! as this chapter is about evaluation. It is important to understand the player and their background information i.e the type of games, movies you play/watch therefore please take it seriously. No lies :p.
The prototype is not assessed at all, its not worth any marks. The purpose of it is to support the framework I developed in the thesis. All the marks are from the thesis and presentation only. So you can see I didn't put much time into doing the prototype.

The prototype takes about 10 minutes and the survey will take another 10 mins approximately.

Note: not all characters talk, and sometimes you have to move around to get dialogue to pop up. That was the one bug i found, hope there's not any other ones. P.S I suck at Flash :p

the survey is at (copy and paste link for some reason there's a space between c and o delete that space. Then go to the link)
http://www.surveymonkey.c om/s/MLQZ6T2

Thank you for your time and feedback.


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Needs alot of work!

the graphic needs a complete overhaul, the game itself provides no sense of excitement or pleasure. If this is just a prototype the real thing better be completly different.

gohanD responds:

of course it's just a prototype. "If" this was to be a published game, it would have a whole different feel and definately better graphics and gameplay. As you can see i lack the experience in using flash. This was just a mini project, the prototype is just to support the thesis only. But anyway thanks for your opinion!

Needs work

Needs work but I will play it when its done

gohanD responds:

That's right a lot more work is needed, it was due to time and limited resources.

Credits & Info

1.67 / 5.00

Oct 12, 2010
10:29 AM EDT