So funny! Nice 😃😃😃.
This animation is based off a comic we made awhile ago.
This was animated for a simple school project over about two days. This was my first time using Flash . . . and my first time animating. Needless to say, I learned a lot while making this, and I am definitely interested in improving and making more.
Tips, suggestions, and constructive criticism are highly welcomed!
I hope you enjoy it!
EDIT: Link to the site is broken. Not sure what I am doing wrong, as it works in the actual .swf file. It's if you are really curious.
EDIT 2: Front page?! Wow! Jeez. Thanks, Newgrounds!
EDIT 3: I took out the link completely so it will no longer confuse. I tried several different versions. No luck. I must have done something wonky somewhere along the line. Actionscript woo.
So funny! Nice 😃😃😃.
Great job on the animation! This was funny to me in high school, and still is funny now in my late 20's. :)
lol well.................................
...........................idk its just to funny to give a better review than "lol"
Hey, daddy!
It is nice of you to win those awards, even though I did not find the cartoon that enjoyable. I guess the problem is that I was expecting everything to come along. The animation seems standard and I like how simplistic everything goes. For a moment there, I thought those guys actually did have the daughter over there, but it was a hoax. I wonder what they would have done if the dad had went along with the plan? If he gave them the five million dollars, wouldn't he then ask for his daughter back which they would not have, but then again they did not think it through.
*Imitating the voice of batman* "Hello father it is I Your Daughter" XD