Can't play the game
This is just a short maze game i made. yes, i know maze games are SO EASY. :D and id like to say thanks for the good ratings on such a pathetic game :P it was just a short game i made and mainly to scare the living crap out of my friends but still thanks anyway
I may make an actuall maze game similar to this, with points, mini games or sumthin. IF i can be bothered to! so type "Yes make a maze game" or "no, thats a shit idea"
Can't play the game
This has very calming music! I recommend that you wear headphones!
YOU SPOOKED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:
Gave me a heart attack, almost! The scare was unexpected. This is good for pranks. But you never know, somebody could. So, just to let you know, I'm not being mean, but just be careful to not make a loud scream like that. That's all I'm saying. Thanks.
I played this on the wii...
AND I CHEATED!It soo easy to cheat if you have a wii