Overall, it's entirely too easy to wreck the car due to somewhat odd mechanics. Aso, I don't see how the whole engine thing works. I mean, you can pick engines with three different speeds, and tires with low or high traction. Why would anyone pick tires with low traction when they can just compensate for the lack of speed by updating the engine?
And what do those springs even do? There's no discription. I mean, maybe this makes me an ignoramus in the field of cars, but I'm sure there's other people out there who have no idea what kind of ingame effect softer or harder springs will have.
Lastly, I feel that it's necessary to point out that when you crash the truck there's a message asking you if you want help with the level. Interestingly, my cursor reacts as if it's a link over the area, and one would EXPECT a link to some sort of guide or hint system there, but there is none. Why even ask if someone wants help with a level if you're not planning to give any? Why imply you have a helpfunction if you don't?
Anyways, graphically this was an okay game and I'm sure if you twiddle around with it for a while it might become playable, but for now I'm giving it a 3.