the game was aight, my ostrich won first place in everything.
In this funny arcade game, you can race up to 4 people simulataniously on one keyboard! Invite your friends over and play through the 9 different race types... who will be Biggest and Fastest Bird in the race?
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the game was aight, my ostrich won first place in everything.
Pretty fun
Quite enjoyed the game. It is very simple, but the competitive element makes up for much. A few (relatively minor) issues:
- Instructions on the sprint are a bit off. I know there's an instructions menu, but during the game itself the "tip" to tap only comes up when I fail. Better to include at the start or not at all. Moreover, the instruction to start with pressing the action key and then proceed tapping the action key is a bit confusing.
- Zooming effect is distracting.
- Not too big a fan of the shaking on impact (esp. with four different running rhythms it just makes the screen shake continually).
- Too quickly eliminated because of off-screen sometimes