i would listen to the lyrics but i cant understand them with the fucking whateverthehell effects they got on it.
Controls: arrow keys and space.
Hey kids, this is an experiment, take it as it is.
The song is from the album "Target Museum" Specific Recordings - 2010
Buy the vinyl and or mp3:
What if the term "music video game" didn't evoke images of bored college kids fiddling with pathetic plastic guitars emulating the last icons of a declining music industry?
What if indie game developers allied with indie musicians, making odd games promoting odd and unknown music while still keeping their creative autonomy the way the best music-video directors have been doing for decades?
What if a song (not its beats, not its spectrum, not its amplitude!) was dictating the content of a game and not the other way around?
These are the convoluted questions that the convoluted not-game/interactive-musi c-video "Inside a dead skyscraper" is trying to answer!
Is there a way to win or to lose?
Not really.
What's the game really about?
The game and the song are based on Jesse's brief tenure as a videographer in the partially destroyed buildings surrounding the World Trade Center site
i would listen to the lyrics but i cant understand them with the fucking whateverthehell effects they got on it.
I'm stuck on the control screen!
Edit: I actually got the game to work! (I just right-clicked & pressed forward.) It's surprisingly emotional for what it is. I actually cried while playing it.
The lyrics. We have to listen to the lyrics, not the rhythm, not the beat, but the lyrics.
I dont understand this game but its a lot more solid then mine!
The girl with the red ballon is past the second skyscraper