stolen L
No commentary....
stolen L
Does this require Newgrounds player?
''We've acomplished much violent ambitions and we destroyed afghanistan and beyond to kill ladis and gentlemen. In the U.S must never again be freedom *crowd's boo* *scream* *crash*'' 0.o
It's Still Funny!
Mine Was: Ladies And Gentlemen, No Peace *Thud* Justice *Crash* Freedom *Scream* We Are To Kill Innocent Lives. America Stands Commited To Saddam Hussein So That One Day There Can Be Violent Ambitions Further Destuction Broken Treaties Raging Disease And Persistant Poverty On A Massive Scale *Crowd Boo*
I Dare You To Come Up With Something Even Worse Then My Speech!
mine was: to kill all ladies and gentalmen so that one day the world will be raging disease shared by all. <scream> . i allmost siht my pants!!!