2010 im in the 2020's all yall 2010s 2020 is a bad year
and i like the tune
New version of the first bike creator made from scratch. Everything that starts on the bike is draggable! New in this version you can change the color of the seat post and the tires! All logos were drawn by me-Federal, Blackeye, Sunday, DK, Stolen,a dn Odyssey.
The point of this game is to see what colors would look good together on your bike, so have fun!
song 1 - Sublime - Dont Push
Song 2 - Slightly Stoopid - No Cocaine
2010 im in the 2020's all yall 2010s 2020 is a bad year
and i like the tune
Pretty good
Even though the game in itself is boring, the game in itself is fully funtioning, and has a good interactivity. May I ask you what script you used for the part's colour changing when those buttons were clicked?
Asside from that,
you get a 6 for the music.. but the game really doesn't add anything special in my life =D
cool but...
why did the music restart when u did the credits thing? besides that its AWESOME
i had it normal before then something messed up. thanks for the good review though
better than the first one!
i love this i dont know why people be hatin. it helped me, i think u did a great job much better than the first one!