I can't just past the pre-game ad
The pre-game ad won't let me advance to the game. Clicking "skip ad" just takes me to the advertiser's homepage.
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I can't just past the pre-game ad
The pre-game ad won't let me advance to the game. Clicking "skip ad" just takes me to the advertiser's homepage.
A bit on the lame side
The game has potential but I found it a bit lame, the guy runs so slow and it does get repetitive quick!
It's a good game but could be improved. Move the player with the arrows would be better, and add bonuses, sprints...
fun yet eh...
ok game, a little bit on the repetitive end with the music and stuff. I didnt like the "high score names" that appeared on the list. For an E rating you must take into effect everything.
two things
ball target is too small and hard to hit. Also some cops put on extra bursts of speed that are impossible to dodge. other than that great game