Ignoring the fact that the two job options are blatantly ridiculous, this game gets very repetitive very quickly. The difficulty does not appear to ramp up at all and nothing new is added as the levels go on. It's just more of the same.
1. When a worker arrives, first you click them and then click on the check in.
2. After that you can either train them, or move them to sit on a chair.
3. Then you select the worker and click on the client's car.
When workers are sitting in the chair they are very patient.
Ignoring the fact that the two job options are blatantly ridiculous, this game gets very repetitive very quickly. The difficulty does not appear to ramp up at all and nothing new is added as the levels go on. It's just more of the same.
Sorry, The game did not let me clcik on the guests
Sorry, The game may be bugged. The game would not let me click on the guest to check them in.
Nice game