but meh it was blant and a little illogical
here's a walktrought to those who cant pass it:
Pick up, pliers ( it is on top of brown cabinet ),
2 'sponges', shampoo, bottle of gin.
Go to the bath. Use the shampoo, and use the pliers.
Now you get a code: 3756 . use this code on the
brown closet. U get the green dude.
Wet the sponges with the gin. Use one on the green dude. And use the other wet sponge on the cactus.
Go to the bath room. click on the wall, make a green
triangle , now get a red coin.
go to the slot machine and use the red coin.
now u get a code, 1991. use the code you get a key.
go to the brown closet, use the key, you get a
hypodermic syringe. fill the syringe on the cactus.
now inject the green dude.
put the green dude in the bath drain.
now you have the escape key .
use the key and escape.