transitions are blurry shit and designs are simple
Use mouse to move.
Hold Left Button to use bullet time.(It will show the hit area)
In game: P to pause/resume, Space to use bomb.
Dodge enemies and their bullets with bullet time , collect power-ups and super bombs , fire back.
3 difficulties , 10 levels .
Harder = more score.
About boss:
In the end of level X , there's a boss.
About difficulty:
It's really hard if you are new to STG.
Just try level1 , dodge boxes and see if you can survive.
If you can't , choose easy.
About the end:
If you beat the level X , it will show "the end" screen and your total score.
You can play from level1 to the end , and the score will be added up .
If you beat the final level in abnormal mode , it will show you "king of chaos" , it's the final goal for the game.
If you really reach that , the high score screen will show "king of chaos".
transitions are blurry shit and designs are simple
fun as!
i found this game epicly fun!
I loves the praticle effects and the trails but the blur really looked bad and hard to read when you beat a level and with the next and give up buttons, make it less blured next time, the cursor was a little sketchy but hey a perfect cursor doesnt make a game, the ship was cool and reminded me of galaxion sort of XD.
gameplay: 9/10
the gameplay was simple and easy to understand, i didnt find it hard at all and I loved the bullet time, also not having to shoot made it soo much less frustrating, it didnt make it too easy it just make it so i didnt have to hold down a button and or get pissed off when i die due to this.
the music was plain and it didnt get in the way or distract you, the sound effects were helpful and fun sounding because i would look at the ship more than what im shooting.
the concept was unorigional but it hadnt been used like this alot in a good few years whilst being this fun, and I liked how you could collect powerups from defeating enemies. I dont like to play games for high score though :/
overall 9/10
fun as hell :)