Fun and Gory
This game was great. You just need to add a leveling system and of course
"Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch"
Kill the bunnies before time runs out!
Fun and Gory
This game was great. You just need to add a leveling system and of course
"Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch"
Very Good
A simple and fun way to run over bunnies. Though it seems like the bunnies really do hate your guts for no real reason.
A solid 8/10.
Arcade style gaming is still fun.
It was very simple, yet entertaining.
Watching bunnies get mowed to bits is something new, and definitely fun.
Normally pixellated blood is kinda "eh...", but in this case it provided the sadistic "die! die! die!" feeling without the "eww......" factor. It also gives new meaning to taking a shower.
The only thing that I think you could add on would be a story line, but this game is excellent like this alone. Good job!
very well
i like tho see blod for unknow reason but the bunies come from more than one way at he same time and sometimes is just imposible to deflect them so put it like some kind of waves sistem