Very cool. I skate and I love it. Very simple, not long, awsome! Make some more!
Sorry about the shortness. More tricks from techcroat coming soon. He skate a different location every time...
Very cool. I skate and I love it. Very simple, not long, awsome! Make some more!
for a file size that small it was rather cool. i think you need to think about doing something bigger. MUCH bigger. to the last reviewer, tazxxx, i think pick of the hour means they choose some random recent cartoon and put it on every hour. sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. for you it must be the highest. retard
that sucked so much
pick of the hour???? that was the worst thing iv ever seen that someone thinks its actauly good!!! come on , some dude jumping into a van, wow!!!! so amazing(yes that is sarcasm is case you hadnt noticed)
awesome........... oh yeah ............ awesome
the detail was fucking amazing yet longer is more appreciated but take ur time i want quality like that.. beautiful graphics yet speakers are out so........ i have no clue wether or not there was sound? nice short man keep it up.
im looking forward for more work from u about skatin or whatnot just make it good:)
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sorry dude, but that really sucked. it was way too short, and really, it was pointless. next time, make a better movie.