its good
i dont really understand but nice try
Hi All, here are the controls:
- Left mouse drags to move a scoop around.
- Left mouse click on moving objects to lift them up.
feedback is really appreciated!
*** update:
Thank you all for the feedback. The controls should be redone for sure.
its good
i dont really understand but nice try
well, its different!
seems to have a lot of ways of solving the "puzzles", but unfurtunatelly all of those ways also seem to be pretty luck prone and total wacko
(a really dont see how its a puzzle anyway)
Then again maybe i'm just plain stupid and didnt see what the game is all about. But sure looks interesting, i hpoe theres actually a way to extract some fun out of it.
Not bad but it is rough around the edges. Other objects are in the way to to often. I will definately play it all the way through if a little more work is put in.
The game has interesting potential and a good idea, but the way the controls are implemented kills the fun.
The fact that the filler is not sloped nor has a fixed pin makes filling it with anything a long chore. Coupled with the fact that you cannot control the filler and pick up something with it at the same time and there is a recipe for pain in the waiting.
Some simple suggestions for a better game:
1) Change the shape of the filler to a simple L or Triangle shape.
2) Allow the filler to have it's rotation locked.
Change the score system from decimal numbers to numbers people are familiar with (i.e. 1 out of 10 instead of 0.72 out of 4.01).
Once something enters the basket, perhaps it should be counted as a "goal" in which it can't be taken out again.
Play some "score" music every time something is added to the basket.
Have a clearly labeled "target" score to reach in order to progress to the next level, and a time limit instead of a constantly decreasing score (adding something into the basket increases time left, perhaps)/
Animate a sun in the background instead of using a static picture.
Add powerups or something to make the game more exciting (i.e. change gravity randomly, or make objects phase through the bucket so that you can enter from anywhere once). If you already have these, my bad. I didn't get that far into the game.
Good choice of music. The game is kinda relaxing.