Could use work
What I am saying is that this game is terrible..... But with work such as a HUD or something would help......
Controls -
Mouse - Aim
Left click - Fire
Arrow keys - Move
Control - change weapon
My first real flash game. It is simple, but trying to get the basics, and I appreciate criticism and praise so drop me a line if you have any comments on the game :)
Could use work
What I am saying is that this game is terrible..... But with work such as a HUD or something would help......
half way done
you missed a couple of things that could turn this thing into an awesome flash game:
1) the plane health bar, essential.
2) levels. you might call your game as a survival mode, adding a campaing mode would be really cool.
3) guns reload time bar. it's annoying to just click until the gun fires again, you could add all the bars in a simple HUD at the bottom of the screen, showing all the guns reload bars and wich gun is selected.
4)eerrr, i dont know.
5)more enemy tipes, or just guys at the bottom shooting at the plane.
better graphics are not as essential as these things (specially nÂș4), but it would be really cool.
give it a bit more work, im expecting the 2.0 release! :D
(forgive me if i miss spelled something, my english is poop)
Could Be Really Good
It seems like you have the actionscript done pretty well but its needs sound and better art. Try looking for an artist on the BBS to collaborate with, or contact me :D
As for sound, try to look for good quality music and sound effects. Plenty of stuff on the internet. The idea is simple, and done relatively well but it needs work.
not much, great attempt,its ok
reely gets boring,if ou make it more like the actual game, it would be a lot funner!
basic not bad for first try
i think that if you make each a different button so the player could shoot down the planes and the buildings with out having to mess with picking a wep. make the big gun slower sense you can use the mid gun at same time. hope that helps