made a tetris grid
7ag5ab3ag5a2b2ag6ab2ag9aj9a2je3hfg3hj ebh2fgh2b2eb2cfg2ib2d2b2cg2ib2d108
that is my tetris-themed grid
One of my first flash games I made more than 2 years ago and finally decided to finish it and ship it... hope you'll enjoy it ! :)
EDIT: thank you all for the nice reviews ! I know the game is not very accessible at first but only the bravest can feel the mind-twisting power of this game! (to be honest I should have made a proper tutorial... ^_^'' )
made a tetris grid
7ag5ab3ag5a2b2ag6ab2ag9aj9a2je3hfg3hj ebh2fgh2b2eb2cfg2ib2d2b2cg2ib2d108
that is my tetris-themed grid
This is a great puzzle game.
It really forces you to focus deeply and think hard. And a tip for hard grids: Start with the last row and column. Those should give you a good start.
~Depes Crystalline~
Great game.
Really makes you think! People don't like it because they don't like to think and it's too hard lol.
It's like Sodoku, but better imo. Played for about an hour straight on grid size 8 with 7 colors, which is just challenging enough. I think any bigger would be too hard, or atleast take a while.
Didn't do the challenges either.
Cool !
I like it.. took me a minute to figure out wtf was going on... For anyone who need to get the "basics" down , stard on relax mode with 4 grid and 2 colors.
Brain teasing
For me, anyway. My highest level seems to be 6 or 7, but I'm not that great at puzzles. Good stuff! I remember logic puzzles in school that were similar to this sort of thing. It was a little difficult to grasp the instructions at first, but a few tries at an easier grid fixed that up and got me hooked.