GUNS! ;)
Virtual Handgun is a shooter with 3 handguns and 2 more unlockable handguns.
I built it cause I was tired of awesome gun apps only being on the iPhone.
Real recorded sounds from various guns. I put alot of work into making the sound and mechanics accurate.
Some weapon special features:
The USP has a silencer which can be equipped by clicking in front of the weapon.
The G18 has a full-auto mode (like the real G18) which can be switched by clicking the fire selector.
I may have added something after 500 rounds ;)
March/27/2010 Update:
Fixed a glitch where a fire selector highlighted on non automatic guns.
Changed link to my new site.
Improved animations slightly.
GUNS! ;)
unlocked the grenade
Its OK
i played this for a little bit and got bored after 400 shots, you should ad a first person feature
you did a good damm job making this game GOOD JOB :)