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Ninja.. The Death...

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Author Comments

hello welcome . took me few months. This is my first game made.. please comment ;3
(update) game now has music..

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a little sound, would go a long way

yea a "muted" game just isnt going to cut the mustard to to speak. umm just a few things. make the numbers of lives smaller. and i mean the actual munber on screen. the HUD stuff can get in the way. not a bad game but...not good either. i feel like an honest efforst went into this. but yea the art work is sorely lacking.
but like i said, some sound would make this much more "playable" if you get my drift.

Thank You

DarkFallenShadowz responds:

l added music but l dont hear lt ... l even reuploaded the game..

Good effort, but lacking

The code was decent at best, but the art definitely needs work. It's easy to tell you copy-pasted images, and there is no sound.

It was a good effort, but not something I would want to spend my time playing. Put some effort into this, improve it, and it may become a good game.

DarkFallenShadowz responds:

thanks for your comment =)

nifty game

they the game is an awsome little piec e of work but needs some fine tuning still

DarkFallenShadowz responds:

pm me and tell me please

The effort is there man

..but the execution and the lack of character animation brings it down. It's obvious you're trying,...just need more expierience. I'll go as high as I can because I think you can improve.

DarkFallenShadowz responds:


It's semi-decent

it jumps, it looks semi decent and it has a fully functioning health bar and lives system. You need to fix the glitch that occurs at the start, with the ninja invisible. You also need to draw your own ninja instead of just having an image. Not to mention the dialogue is both badly written and badly spelled. "hello and welcome you are in a pyramid"? Also, it is spelled "Tutorial" not "tuteral".

DarkFallenShadowz responds:


Credits & Info

3.18 / 5.00

Jan 29, 2010
12:41 AM EST