lol The chahephase is: Uhhhhh... what?
This is a neat little tool that will invent a simple movie or game idea for you, if you are ever cursed with writers' block. And sometimes they are just plain awesome! Here are some examples:
The hero is a normal boy stealing precious metals and the main goal is the Fire Soul.
The nemesis is a mutant tree, and the henchmen are ninjas.
It has a Sci-Fi theme. The catch phrase is: Somebody's gonna pay for this!
The hero is a rowdy wizard performing with rings and the main goal is to seek Justice.
The nemesis is a super fast cop, and the henchmen are robots.
It has a TV Competition theme. The catch phrase is: That's how a genius gets things done
The hero is a sociopathic dinosaur eating mushrooms and the main goal is to find True Love.
The nemesis is a bionic demon, and the henchmen are security guards.
It has a Jungle theme. The catch phrase is: Let's ride!
The hero is a robotic armadillo stealing star ships and the main goal is to Uncover your Past.
The nemesis is a ambitious mercenary, and the henchmen are gangsters.
It has a Trippy theme. The catch phrase is: Dang ninjas...
lol The chahephase is: Uhhhhh... what?
Like it a lot
A great way to pass the time, and to just get some crazy idea juices flowing. I'm a big fan of this. Maybe if you made another one (or changed this one) we coudl have a music control and some background changers or something? I know its a simplistic game, but maybe some more features would make it that much better?
Surprisingly nice
this is interesting if you have writer's block
like it
Its cool, some of the stories are funny. "The catchphrase is : nice pants"