nice work
sooooooo many :D
Around 7/11/09, I posted very simple template I drew up out of sheer boredom on 4chan's /co/ (comic and cartoons board). Soon after, it ended up on /v/ (video games) and /a/ (anime).
Exactly five months later, this is the result of attempting to grab every single variation people drew up on those three boards, and throwing them all into a flash that allows you to cycle through them. 1000 images to be exact.
There were about 500 others which included multiple characters, but I could not include them due to not lining up.
M: Turns off the music that is currently playing
R: Randomly selects a frame
Show/Hide Template: Places the original template over the current frame, allowing you to see how it was varied from the original.
All characters belong to their appropriate companies, people, etc.
Slow: Infected Mushroom - Elevation
Medium: Hideki Naganuma - Teknopathetic (from Jet Set Radio Future)
Fast: Mr.T - Zero One
In case I am forced to change medium and fast, if you know a good fast/medium paced song on the audio portal to replace them, let me know.
nice work
sooooooo many :D
After so long it's done
Tis a shame I was to lazy to draw one up, the again considering my art this might have been a good thing.
Good job to everyone involved
i like it!
i like it alot! it has many famous people that i know, but my favorite i the Rorshach guy for Watchmen! but scrolling through the pixs is kinda boring though, but good gadget though! this is the first thing like this i have ever seen!