Thanks for the help!
I said to myself I would submit this. I have submitted this.
It is a quiz on the Persian Empire, ancient Iran.
Thanks for the help!
Great Quiz
Most people know very little about the Persian empire.
A fun quiz.
I had to dig for a lot of these answers, I learned all of this last year in my world history class, so remembering the answers was really fun. The quiz had a nice layout, but adding some pictures or other sounds would have been more appealing to the viewer. The information was laid out nicely, I'm certain you got a good grade from your teachers, I definately learned stuff from it. I like how you emphasized the key points after every section as well.
The part that really made me laugh was when you said Amabo was Obama backwards, the silly logic was funny. One thing I would recommend is changing the text color on the title screen. I like the sand background and whatnot, but the white font was difficult to read. Overall, I enoyed participating in this neat quiz, even if it is educational, haha. Anyway, keep up the great work!
Hey thanks for the review! Even though I turned this in to my teachers like a month ago now, they're so incompetant that they haven't graded it yet, so I don't know if I got a good grade or not...:(
But thanks for the review anyway. Glad you liked it.
it made me learn something, great job!!
you should continue on making quizz, you have potential(well i know that it don't have much weight from me) and i'm looking forward for another one!
Thanks! This was just a school project, so it wasn't really my choice to make this quiz in the first place, but maybe I could make a quiz on something a bit less heavy, like music or something.
Thanks again!