為什麼最新的版本要付費?這應該是人人都可以玩,但係你將這個版本付費真的好憤怒如果要最新版本要付費的,請看這個網址 付費的人可能會看到是免費請看這個連結https://www.patreon.com/Cometcomics/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Build
This generates the key code/ number value of any key on the keyboard to use in actionscript. very helpful for games and such.
為什麼最新的版本要付費?這應該是人人都可以玩,但係你將這個版本付費真的好憤怒如果要最新版本要付費的,請看這個網址 付費的人可能會看到是免費請看這個連結https://www.patreon.com/Cometcomics/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Build
thanks you so mush dude
thanks you so mush for posting this caus i was wondering what was wasd code and now i created a 3d gmutliplayer game because of you. It is simple but genious for using!!!
No problem.
Although lacking any real style or theme your flash gadget is really quite a fanatastically simple reference for aspiring AS's, the only thing i would improve would be to add a nice background and possibly some audio portal music in the background, i mean it is pretty bare bones as it is but it does what its designed to do, so there really isnt much else to improve on!
It's okay, I suppose
Only thing that this has that wasn't available from Adobe's livedocs (easily reached by googling actionscript keyboard codes) is that the number-pad 5 without NumLock on is equal to 12. That's all.
It was a nice try at creating a tool to find the key inputs, but to me, it only saves a little more time compared to opening up a chart of those keys and looking for it. Probably belongs in the Gadgets section in Games if this really makes it.
good job. but there are a few issues that im sure you know about, though it is helpfull, its in a bad location, and is bland though thats not the point of it
It's impossible to post anything directly to a collection. You have to post it in the flash portal first.