Very short but entertaining
ok so it has been awhile since i seen one of these, but wow that was very short, now dont get me wrong that was funny and the only line in there aswell, was a good funny momement but i feel you still need more in there, more activity going on, the animation was ok the voice was notbad, and humor was right on but still could use some more to it, more {SCENEs} more characters and more story to it, you have alot of good ideas in these, but they are way too {SHORT} and i know you have heard that before, but you should really still think about adding more such as the ideas i suggested or even others have suggested, I did like what you did with the {MENU-PAGE} with the play button that was pretty nifty. anyways nice short animation.
I suggested a few ideas, but it for sure needs to be longer as does the others aswell
a short flash entertaining but still too short