so good
This is a litle app I made that lets you take advantage of those times when your coworkers leave their computers unlocked. Just select the OS they're running and a fake crash screen will pop up, leading to certain panic when they return to their desk.
Original URL: /games/ultimategoat
Feel free to embed this flash app in your website:
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NOTE: Newgrounds mangles URLs and HTML code, so you will probably need to tweak the code posted here before it will work properly. Or you could visit my website and you'll find a code snippet to embed HTML for this flash app.
so good
I set this up at my brothers house and told him I broke his computer, and he freaked out. I lol'd
Cruel cruel cruel
Very cruel. I give it an A, for April Fools!
i dident under stand what it said at first then when i clicked my system i freaked out for a split second o.O