its sad i almost cryed thank you for this anamation i love it
thank you for the daily 2nd.
The short story about little boy Sean and his way to see the world.
I simply said what i wanted to say. It's up to you, understand it, or not.
I know, that I'm a bit late for halloween, but i simply had no time to finish this before 31.10, so anyways, please, submit it to halloween'09 collection.
PLease, write comments and describe your opinion. And oh yes, if you'll find any grammatical or graphical mistake, please, PM me, I'll fix it.
Thank you.
Thanks, Valas.
please, watch till the end of the titles, to see some interesting info about this movie.
its sad i almost cryed thank you for this anamation i love it
sad story :(
depressing very very depressing. since i'm just a sad person 24/7 this made me cry for hours on end. the music was perfect, the drawings ain't that good but the story. was amazing i'm giving everything but the drawings a 10/10. but really what makes things good arent the graphics its the story. the premise.
The animations were kind of bad, and the drawings weren't the best, But i liked the premise. Th music was the only thing that made it seem sad.
I read the reviews below and I know that the only thing that made them sad was the music, they may not know themselves.. anyway. The art was OK, the story it was trying to teach was IMO silly but the animation was good, a bit boring at parts no offence.
Overall Good work, compared to soe of the other crap in the portal. ;)
this really got to me. i mean from the beginning to the end it was a real tear jerker. it was awesome