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Start as a weak and harmless ship and power it up to beat all the death spitting war machines. The first level is easy, but you will need good reflex to beat the last level.
Oh and anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition should not play this game.

Keyboard control :
Arrows or WASD : move
Space : defensive wave
P : pause

Mouse control :
Left click : defensive wave
P : pause

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Great game. Very Addicting and yeah, OST i great too. LOVE IT


Why is this rated so low...??

Slow beggining,rampage ending!

I love this game!Because:1)Good graphics.2)Cool upgrades.3)Much money.4)2 Players!I love to play with my friend in Pixelvader!THis shooter will be 4ever!

This or Frantic 2? Here's what I think

Sure, it's like Frantic. (I liked that game too.) But all because it copies the style doesn't mean this game should be dismissed. So many other games within genres copy each other all the time and attempt to make something better. I feel that in order to give it justice, I must compare the games, since I have played both Frantic 1 and 2 before.

I actually prefer a black background to the white one that is used in the Frantic series (although in the second game, you can change it to black). However, Frantic also had actual sprites with details. This game only has outlines representing ships. I also prefer the soundtracks of that game, although this game's music isn't bad.

The game setup is quite different. In Frantic and Frantic 2, you basically play on a single run with x number of lives (at least, for campaign mode). Once you get shot down, the game is over, and you have to repeat the entire run.

However, in this game, once you are shot down, you simply return to the upgrade menu with all the money you collected. I have mixed views about this. On the good side, you can repeat a stage over and over until you get it perfect (or until you feel you have earned enough money.
However, on the negative side, a scoring system is totally infeasible with this game's setup. And the lack of scoring is something that is really missing, especially since this is a SHMUP.

This game on the other hand simply translates kills into money. That's simpler and better than Frantic's mimicry of a particular Italian plumber hero to get money.

Usually, I like upgrading things in games. However, I can understand why the makers of Frantic made the game's card system. The nature of an upgrade system of this game means that all of the stages get significantly easier over time (unless the player deliberately resets the points, but few people actually ever do that.) Thus it eventually becomes pointless to play earlier stages other than to get through them without taking damage. In fact, this game is begging players to replay stages again and again to upgrade to the max.

On the other hand, the nature of Frantic is balanced enough to give a gradually increasing challenge on any replays. Frantic 2's different weapons and selection of ships in particular trumps this game's eight way shot + missile combo.

One thing I definitely prefer in this game compared to Frantic's is its special weapon system (when both defensive wave techs are maxed out). Instead of having to kill enemies to fill a meter so that you can fire an eye-candy attack, you get a regenerating gauge. There's one type special-a burst that only clears bullets. But I feel it actually adds much more depth to be able to use this ability on a regular basis (at the rate and coverage it has when it's maxed out) as opposed to a single eye candy super attack that you can only use after killing a ton of enemies. After all, if you keep a full gauge in Frantic, killing any more enemies basically means wasting any more potential gauge in that level, and thus you can end up in situations where the attack isn't even available at all in a boss fight.

This game probably has it much harder in the later levels, even with many upgrades. The bullet hell is extreme in some of the later parts, especially with very fast moving shots coming at you. But that's why you have the defensive burst to use strategically.

In the end, I'd have to say I actually prefer Frantic 2 because of the variety and scoring. However, you did nail some good stuff-kills translated directly into money and the regenerating special gauge are concepts vastly superior to your predecessor. It is still a good game, though.

Finally, this game has something that the other game doesn't: TWO PLAYER MODE! Just one gripe though for two player mode. Independent money accounts would probably have been better instead of using one pooled account though. (or else the guy using the mouse probably gets dibs on upgrades all the time.)

Great game!

Starts a little slow, but I love how exciting it gets as you progress. I much prefer this game over Frantic.

Credits & Info

4.05 / 5.00

Nov 4, 2009
12:47 AM EST