i dont get it....it wasnt that funny...maybe if i watch the next one itll get better
This is the first of a 5 or 6 part series. I hope to be a great animator for real some day, and hopefully famous like Chuck Shultz.
i dont get it....it wasnt that funny...maybe if i watch the next one itll get better
why is jamy_hamy an ass?
Cuz he has no life haa haa haa, good flick keep up good work b;ah blah you get it already.
why 0??
because i dont like you hahahahahahahaha
Everyone knows how big a cock you have by the number of blams and safeties you have in your profile.
close to being good, work more with the audio and lose the images of the crowds. draw it yourself.
I didn't really want to draw 9,000 people because it would have eaten up more memory, causing it to take longer to load. But if it's just audio and the crowds that you didn't like... then I guess it couldn't be too bad. But apparently you really really liked the graphics. At least I did something right. Kind of wondering where violence and interactivity came from though.
after that, I need prozac
i like the use of music, character set up is nice... plot.... i am sure will develop through the series. i had a good laugh, though-- i am ashamed to say i know people like this. keep it going Mr. S-D.