boring and full of math?
Why? Why would you make a game using coordinate solving? I mean the idea itself could wotrk but more needs to be put into it.
Press the arrow keys to move the hero.
If the hero's spear hits a zombie the zombie is killed.
If the hero kills all the ten zombies the game ends.
The aim of the game is to complete the game in minimum possible time.
Find out the position of a zombie by comparing the co-ordinates of the zombie with that of the ground shown in the table.
boring and full of math?
Why? Why would you make a game using coordinate solving? I mean the idea itself could wotrk but more needs to be put into it.
could be better
the game is not completely awful
i did not hate it, but you need to improve your graphics
really, the thing that holds this game back some is that
maybe later you could release a sequel or remake
where there are more weapons
where there is movement when you stab a zombie
where the zombies don't EXFUCKINGPLODE when you kill them
really that's ridiculous
graphics are bad. game isn't interresting. the zombie's are the only thing in the game that look decent. the game just sucks. 1 star for the gut to post this ;P