I can't stop laughing!!!
I made this video, it took me about 6-10 hours, it takes forever to get the right sounds, do the animation, shit like that. The real video was supposed to end when Johnny Cage's head comes off, but I thought it was too short. Then, a little later, I played the Dragon Ball Z Raging Blast demo on my ps3, so I thought of somehow putting in DBZ in MK. This is what I came up with.
This video was changed (in my head) many times.
First, it was going to be only Johnny Cage and Jax, Johnny Cage just does a normal fatality.
(I said screw it, what's the point)
Second, it was going to be Cage doing the nut punch to Jax, then Jax punches the hell out of Cage.
(To short, had to come up with more)
Lastly, this video was made, the end with Scorpion and Stryker was a little bonus thing, just for watchin.
I can't stop laughing!!!
What the heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dunno
Thiss is halariouse ! XD especially the choping
lmfao thanks
Its coming from Johnny Cages mouth EL OH EEEEELLLL SDHERYFDBC
utterly funny
i laughed so hard.
Glad you did, I also laughed hard when I made this.