i loved the story the video everything but i tried to download the music but the page doesn't exist could you pass me the music?
is Animation for contest on my location, the story about little girl read the fiction and enter to the another world, adventure with furry friends for back to normal world have the obstruction.
- Charactors -
Little girl name : Bua
Werewolf : Khun
WereBird : Hook
- Enemy -
Purple Joker
Rocky Sword
Knuckle Eyes
= = = = Support By = = = =
My School (TBC) : http://www.thai-tech.ac.th/
Malong Pai http://user.kemonology.com/paihp
Muzie Mio : http://www.muzie.co.jp/artist/a037994
Urakata : http://urakata.org
i loved the story the video everything but i tried to download the music but the page doesn't exist could you pass me the music?
Too bad they had to die D:
i dun really get the theme but i think is the movie about frienship ans sacriface?
but still this is a very good story its really a good story to tell to my young cousin <3
but... hm.. then i can't tell them bout blood coming out....
Great Surprise
The style you present is simple, but it move me a lot.
This looks familiar...
It looks like a game. Great animation, but did the werewolf and were bird have to die? I loved the music.