make better stuff like
just add more stuff to it
We made this as a joke in 4 hours.
make better stuff like
just add more stuff to it
and it plays like
... guess what? a 4 hour joke!
Awkward and the graphics are all out of proportion to the gameplay.
Impressive if you did it from total scratch... but not so very if you had a bunch of re-usable code laying about.
I don't get the joke though? Must be on me :> 4 stars, one for each hour, minus one for being awkward.
The joke is just to support this crazy meme of this boy floating around....there are a couple of bounding box issues that we should fix! Thanks for the pointers!
Nothing special, but good for 4 hours of work!
This gets favorited =D
Lots of fun; even though it was a simple 4 hour project.
I like the rainbows =D
May I ask... how do you make games?
I wish to make my own game =]
Learn flash, illustrator and action script. Use some of Heyzap's technologies to help you as well.
Not superfun, but ingenious and a frickin' hilarious concept. Sucks that he's going to be picked on in school for the rest of his life for a reason besides being the child of D-list celebs.