NIice game
Really good work
Turtles are going out of Start point with defined direction until any pointer touched. Drug and drop pointers from panel to map to change movement direction. Turtles can move on sand only. Combine arrows to serve turtles from barriers and take them from Start to Finish. You will get the range of options (portals, moveable arrows, switching arrows).
25 levels.
1-10 : easy/tutorial
11-20: normal
21-25: hard
NIice game
Really good work
try put the more things and more dificult
Great game , with some errors...
Well... We have here a very good logical game from "bring them back home" similiar to lemmings, but it has some minor errors. Actually i found two:
- when turtle starts walking near the egde of the finish point (it happens when you don't place last tile not very accurate) some turtles actually get into finish point and some not.
- If you put two tiles too close to each other turtle can react on the random tile instead of this one which is closer.
Although it's a great and fun game :)
Effort is good but the concept is a little dull. Lemmings did it better.