Roomax claims this game is not for idiots, yet anyone with half a brain can figure out the simplest strategy is by filling it with one color entirely. Keep going, eventually you'll find at least -ONE- black ball. At that point it's trial and error and continuation, just keep trying to figure out the positioning on the first color while adding new ones. I've never taken more than 8 guesses to figure it out this way, now for the review! I'm sure you've heard this before, repeatedly, by most of the reviewers..MUSIC! For pete's sake, gimme something to listen to so I don't die of boredom..The graphics were pretty good for being mostly blacks/grays/whites. The gameplay..Well, it's not hard to mess this up now is it? It works like it's supposed to, it's just boring as hell in my opinion. It's a decent game dude, but definitely try making something that's all your own, otherwise you're just another Flasher. Keep at it, you seem to be decent at programming, just take a breather for a while and figure out something to call your own. Totals: 2/5 - 3/10.