not really my thing, but...
i know a few peaple who might enjoy it.
overall, i can see that an amount of effert was put into this game. so cudos to you.
EDIT: changed a couple of things, including the music. If you wanna save your artwork, just Print Screen it xD
It's not really a game, but you can have a lot of fun with this project.
there are instructions, and music on the options.
Have fun and vote fair
not really my thing, but...
i know a few peaple who might enjoy it.
overall, i can see that an amount of effert was put into this game. so cudos to you.
thank you =]
try having the random button switch between colors everytime u stop drawing or something other wise its just like choosing a color then drawing with it
sounds good, thank you
good overall in what ur trying to make but if ur going to make another one add some interesting things like a shotgun spread of paint or something
that's a good idea, thank you
When I first loaded this up, I actualy was pretty impressed. Then I discovered that none of the options worked. Try harder.
haha you see that button called CHOOSE ?! did you try pressing it ?
or even reading the instructions...
i guess youre not that smart...
you made ms paint
that was, the point actually...